
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Sorry, it’s been so long since my last post. Between packing, getting my room organized, and fundraising, blogging has slipped through the cracks. But…. It’s almost time! A few life updates before I share more details about the upcoming mission trip. First off I’m an aunt! My younger sister gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on July, 2. I’m so glad he arrived before I left and I could meet and spend time with him. On July, 3 my older sister got ENGAGED!! I’m beyond excited for her and her boyfriend. I’ve gained a nephew and a brother all in a matter of days. God has really blessed us and I’m so thrilled for my growing family!

Okay details on my mission trip. We received our squad letter and color. Squad M, color green (I guess that means were Slytherin). Training camp is Saturday July, 10. I can’t wait to meet everyone in person, zoom calls are not the same. Launch is August 6, and our  first stop is Romania!  People keep asking me if I’m nervous. The answer, not even a little bit. I feel like this is what I’m supposed to be doing, there’s a sense of calm I can’t explain. That’s all I have right now though. I leave in two days for training camp and I won’t be back home before launch so I’m getting some last minute things done. I’ll keep y’all updated on what I’m doing while I’m away. Keep my squad and myself in your prayers. What else can I say except LETS GOOOOOOO!


3 responses to “IT’S ALMOST TIME!”

  1. I feel the same way when people ask if I’m nervous. I feel like this is exactly where I’m supposed to be. I have such a peace about this, and its beautiful! Our God is greater than anyone or anything to ever exist, and I’m honored for the opportunity to serve Him. He doesn’t need us, but He wants us. To be able to serve The Giver of Peace and Author of My Life, is the greatest thing I’ve ever done. I’m thankful for that peace He gives us. So excited to go change the world with you this coming year! Much Love! What a Mighty God we serve!

  2. God protect you, bless you with godly wisdom, give you the words to share the gospel, may those words find factor in those hearing and move in people to come and have a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus. God protect you from all attacks from the enemy, surround you and your team with his army of angels. It’s in Jesus name I pray amen.

  3. Bailee, you are truly blessed. How nice of God to arrange your older sister’s engagement and the birth of your nephew shortly before you leave home for the next year. Loved hearing that you aren’t even “a bit” nervous about your upcoming trip. Way to trust in the Lord!